Prayer Times
Today: Thursday, 26 December 202425 Jumada Al Akhirah 1446

Prayer Times in Puente-Genil

Upcoming Prayer Isha —

Namaz timetable in Puente-Genildecember 2024

Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha

The prayer schedule in Puente-Genil for today. The website automatically determines the timing of the five obligatory prayers in Puente-Genil: morning (al-Fajr), noon (Az-Zuhr), afternoon (al-Asr), evening (al-Maghrib), and night (al-Isha).

Prayer times for today in Puente-Genil according to the Hanafi school of thought.

In the settings ⚙, you can choose one of the methods for calculating prayer times in Puente-Genil offered by religious organizations from around the world.

☪ The method for determining the Asr prayer time in Puente-Genil is Shafi'i by default; if you follow the Hanafi school of thought, press the Hanafi option.

Prayer times for today in Puente-Genil according to the Shafi'i school of thought.

Schedule of the 5 prayers in Puente-Genil for the month:

  1. 1. Fajr prayer in Puente-Genil - performed at dawn, before sunrise;
  2. Zuhr prayer in Puente-Genil - the midday prayer is performed at noon;
  3. Asr prayer in Puente-Genil - the afternoon prayer is recited before sunset;
  4. Maghrib prayer in Puente-Genil - performed in the evening, after the sun has set below the horizon;
  5. Isha prayer in Puente-Genil - the night prayer is recited at the onset of darkness.

Qibla online in Puente-Genil: which direction to pray

To determine the Qibla direction without a compass from Puente-Genil to the Kaaba, click on the compass button located at the top of the website.

Specify your location, and the arrow will point towards Mecca, where the mosque 🕋 Al-Haram is located.

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